From desire I rush to satisfaction From satisfaction I leap to desire. ~Goethe’ Faust Introd…
As numerous reports have brought out, Muslim women are probably the least educated segment of Indian…
Imam Mohammad Qasim Nanautawi Research Centre, Old Boys’ Association of Darul Uloom Deoband and Inst…
The significance of the summer intensive in Nepal lies in its objectives and its design that duly co…
Inter-faith dialogue has become an urgent necessity today. In this regard, what role can or should m…
Imams of mosques can play a very central role in promoting social reforms among Muslims, but, sadly,…
Historically, there have been few efforts among Muslims to address and reform the ways in which the …
I’m originally from Bihar, which is where I was born and brought up. I studied at the Dar ul-Uloom a…
Muslim history has generally been written in the form of a series of battles and a succession of rul…
We need to considerably revise our ways of looking at the theological ‘other’, and of notions such a…